Since my wife and I have four daughters, we have had many
young adults, who were friends of our girls, stay as guests at our home. We
also had the unique experience of hosting a French high school senior at our
home for 3 months as part of a Rotary program when we lived in upstate New York.
It is always wonderful to see and meet vibrant young people who bring new
perspectives and energy on life by having them as guests in our home.
Yuriy, Kiro, and Max, however, were the first Ukrainian young
adults that we have hosted, and they are incredibly impressive young men. Not
only are they multi-lingual and deep in their thoughts, but they are
disciplined, respectful, and reverent in their faith. There are many believers
in this world, but these three young men are more than just believers; they
have responded to a religious calling in their lives to dedicate themselves to
God and God’s work, and their faith beams through every part of their being.