September 9, 2015

The Power of Community.

In XX century, the main problem of mankind has been the communist ideology. Through materialism communism trampled the concept of love, explaining it as ordinary physiological processes, denying its unique, eternal, unchanging and absolute aspects. Humanity has overcome communism - the Soviet Union collapsed.

Now the main enemy of the traditional idea of ​​love is the idea of ​​the LGBT community. That is the idea that a sexual relationship between two men or two women is natural.
The strength of the LGBT people in their cohesion; they are uniting when feeling attacked. The humanistic secular society sympathizes with them and defends them.

Nowadays the collapse of family values in the world is becoming apparent. People get divorced, betray each other in marriage. If one looks objectively, the traditional family idea does not seem to have the strength to resist the LGBT idea that is gaining popularity.

The only way to make a change is to create a close-knit and self-developing community of traditional families, and every single family must take responsibility for its development. Expanding and growing, this community will be able to embrace the whole world and unite people and families!

Kids in Ukraine.

The articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent this Program’s official position. 

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