When I
visited New Orleans, I met interesting girl Emily. She invited me for a
conversation to McDonald's. As I understood later, she is quite active
I shared with her about programs we are organizing in Ukraine. That
we are teaching about family values, purity before marriage and fidelity in a
marriage. And she seriously asked me how do I think about birth control, than
about same sex relationships issue. I felt like it was an exam. That if
I'll say that a gay relationship is a mistake according to Holy Scripture, she
would be sad... So much she wanted to protect those people. I think it is
because she has met some Christians who strictly judging people in that kind of
situation. My opinion is that by judging we'll never solve this issue. But also
by just accepting things as they are nothing will be changed. Christians
should create great couples and promote the families based on
traditional ideal. Family is a place where all kinds of love are manifested.
So, being filled with True Love we can naturally show to all what is the right
way of creating family. Even Christians now have a lot of problems within their marriages. This is a crucial point we need to work on.
God loves
gays also as they are humans. Even though He is really sad that they are doing
mistake. When I showed this attitude, the feelings of Emily were comforted and
she was agreed. Then she bought a soft drink for me and we enjoyed an
interesting conversation.
The articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent this Program’s official position.
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