April 7, 2015

Love or Faith?

Hi, everyone!
Today I want to share my meeting with one great couple, Mr. Tom and Mrs. Mary. They are Christians that seriously and continuously studying the Holy Bible. Mr. Tom has read it in different translations numbers of times... When he recognized me as a Christ follower, he wanted to share his experience of his faithful life.
I was moved by their determination, when they left their jobs and big comfortable house and moved to another state to study Word of God in theological seminary. Through this story I got more desire to keep focus on Christ instead of looking for material wellness.
Mr. Tom shared with me feelings he got when he became a parent. He told me he had not expected that he could love so much...  He has great and indescribable love for his children. But God loves us even more! It's incredible! He believes that based on their parental love God can guide and take care of their children. With this attitude he and his wife continue to pray for their kids even they are all grown up. They also are following the Christian life. I asked, how did they make it? Because even most devoted believers' next generation often gives up the faith... Mr. Tom answered that their children recognized that he and his wife are really the most happy couple they ever known. That's why they chose the same way. So, the result of living faithful life is love, otherwise something is wrong... It was a great lesson for my future family.
Eventually we were praying together holding hands of each other. I felt that the words were coming from the deepest place of the Mr. Tom's heart. I felt his sincerity... I am grateful that we could have so emotional experience of love. And he said that I was a blessing for them. So God was there... 

The articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent this Program’s official position. 

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