April 6, 2015

Good Friday.

Hello, everybody!!!
I want to share with you my experience on the Good Friday.
I was walking the streets of French Quarter in New Orleans. And then I heard a music, somebody was singing songs, and I noticed a crowd of people out there. In the hands of one of them I saw a huge flag saying "JESUS".
I came closer to make a picture. When I did that, suddenly an old man came to me and said, "I feel you are special young man, there are angels around you!" - "O, really? I don't see them..." - "Yes, you don't, but I do. Because God gave me this gift. They embrace you with their wings."  
It's surprised me a lot! So I decided to join their procession. We were going from church to church, singing hymns and listening to the Gospel.
Then I got opportunity to hold that huge flag "JESUS". I was so happy and proud, that I can go and carry the flag with the name of the Lord, the Messiah and Savior!!! 
And then finally we came to the last church. There was a service in the end of which believers partake of the Holy Communion. When I got "a body of Christ", I felt that now is the time when I am uniting with Christ, He is within me. So from now on I have to change my life and I follow Christ in my daily life with new determination.
I am so grateful for the chance to renew my commitment and so I am praying for this world that everyone could hear the calling, become a soul for Christ, and start to live for Him!! Amen!
Sincerely, Max.

The articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent this Program’s official position. 

1 comment:

  1. Great testimony, Max! What a blessing that Jesus sent his angels to you on Good Friday and brought you to a new bond with him through these New Orleans Christians. Jesus will certainly be with you in a special way from this point onward in your life, I am sure.
