August 19, 2015

Ukraine: The Price of Independence

Only seven percent of Ukraine’s territory is occupied but it is industrial and highly populated area. It is not a civil war, Russian aggression started in spring of 2014. Many call it a proxy war, but I would call it a hybrid war. It includes propaganda, information war, oil war, etc. Only now people in Ukraine started to realize what the price of freedom is.

Ukrainian army so far suffered more than 2,500 casualties. These soldiers gave their life for the protection of sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine. According to the latest UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian efforts, there are about 7,000 victims among the civilians. 16,000 people were injured.

Refugees from Eastern Ukraine.
According to the UN, the number of internally displaced persons in Ukraine reaches 1,401,100 people. Most internal refugees accepted Kyiv.

The greatest loss due to Russian aggression is industrial production. Losses of Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises in 2014 are estimated at about $4 billion. Coal production in Ukraine decreased by 35%, as more than 2/3 of the mines are in the temporarily occupied territories. Also transport infrastructure and more than 9,500 houses in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions was destroyed because of the military conflict.

Russian annexation of the Crimea and military aggression in Donbas area has destroyed about 20% of the economic potential of Ukraine. The occupation authorities of the Crimea seized about 4 thousand companies. The total amount of the loss is $100 billion. 

Losses from losing Crimea and the Black Sea oil reserves are hundreds billions of dollars. With all energy facilities in the Crimea, we can talk about the $300 billion that Ukraine lost in the energy sector.
Yuriy Solomakha.

The articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent this Program’s official position. 

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