April 17, 2015

Family Happiness.

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in a cellphone store I met Mrs. Carmen. As we were talking, I asked her about her family. She sincerely said that she is very lucky having her husband. I was really surprised. Usually women do not say like this... And they are married for 18 years.

I asked her, what made her marriage successful. The most important point, she shared, was that they put God in the center. They attend church 2-3 times a week. And they help other couples. Even if they have conflict within their family, they participate in church activities. They were helping other families and saw their problems. Through this God showed that their issues is so small... After this was much easier to forgive each other. So the life for the sake of others gives great benefits. And it is actually Jesus' lifestyle. He always served other people. And we, believers, should resemble our Lord. This couple did this and got a blessing.

One more thing she shared, that very important is Bible reading. Bible helps to set up the original attitude for a family. If in a process person become sleepy, it means that bad spirits possess him or her. It's necessary to struggle and overcome their influence. 
Keeping those points together they created a happy couple. She shared that they dating like if they were still teens. He brings flowers to her work so all coworkers are surprised. Through this testimony I realized that family happiness comes from efforts in practicing the faith. 

The articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent this Program’s official position. 
Mrs. Carmen.


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